Honors of the Society
Raymond Carhart Memorial Lecture
The Raymond Carhart Memorial Lecture was established by the American Audiology Society’s Board in Directors in November, 1975, following Carhart’s untimely death one month previously. Professor Carhart has been honored for almost half a century as the “Father of Audiology” and its most distinguished statesman. The Carhart Award is the American Auditory Society’s recognition of those whose current research is having a significant impact on auditory science and clinical practice, with the promise of continued impact over the rest of their career. One person each year is selected to deliver the Carhart Memorial Lecture and to be honored at the Awards Session. Previous distinguished recipients include:
1976 - James F. Jerger 1977 - Hallowell Davis 1978 - Scott Reger 1979 - Aram Glorig 1980 - Marion Downs 1981 - Paul Ward 1982 - Merle Lawrence 1983 - J. Donald Harris 1984 - Gunnar Liden 1985 - Samuel F. Lybarger 1986 - Joseph E. Hawkins 1987 - Peter Dallos 1988 - Harold F. Schucknecht 1989 - Ira Hirsh 1990 - Ralph F. Naunton 1991 - Hiroshi Shimizu 1992 - Josef J. Zwislocki 1993 - Earl Harford 1994 - Moe Bergman 1995 - Donald D. Dirks 1996 - Wayne O. Olsen 1997 - Charles I. Berlin 1998 - Margo Skinner 1999 - Robert J. Ruben 2000 - Arthur Boothroyd 2001 - Susan W. Jerger 2002 - Edwin Rubel 2003 - Brian C.J. Moore 2004 - William E. Brownell 2005 - David Kemp 2006 - Joseph Nadol 2007 - A. James Hudspeth 2008 - Jos Eggermont 2009 - Michael Merzenich 2010 - Robyn Cox 2011 - Charles Liberman 2012 - Judy R. Dubno 2013 - Richard J.H. Smith 2014 - Eric D. Young 2015 - Brenda L. Lonsbury-Martin 2016 - Michael Gorga 2017 - Robert Dobie 2018 - Harvey Dillon 2019 - Laurie Eisenberg 2020 - Larry E. Humes 2021 - Ruth Y. Litovsky 2022 - Anu Sharma 2023 - Monita Chatterjee 2024 - Hideko Heidi Nakajima 2025 - Kathy Pichora-Fuller
Lifetime Achievement Award
The Lifetime Achievement Award is the American Auditory Society’s highest honor, established to recognize those whose research has had a significant impact on clinical practice throughout their career, with contributions across different research areas and with long-lasting results. The Lifetime Award recipient is honored at the Awards Luncheon with a brief introduction, presentation of a small gift, and time to make brief comments. Previous distinguished recipients include:
1991 - Elmer Carlson 1992 - Aram Glorig 1992 - John Bordley 1993 - S. Richard Silverman 1994 - Kenneth W. Berger 1995 - Edgar Villchur 1996 - David Green 1997 - No award 1998 - Howard P. House 1999 - David Pascoe 1999 - Robert Bilger 2000 - William House 2001 - Daniel Ling 2001 - Harry Levitt 2002 - Mark Ross 2003 - Murray Sachs 2004 - Jack Vernon 2005 - Ira Hirsh 2006 - Marion Downs 2007 - Jozef Zwislocki 2008 - Peter Dallos 2009 - James Jerger 2010 - Mead Killion 2011 - Charles I. Berlin 2012 - Arthur Boothroyd 2013 - Barbara Bohne 2014 - Donald Dirks 2015 - Richard H. Wilson 2016 - Fred Linthicum, Jr. 2017 - Patricia Stelmachowicz 2018 - Glenis R. Long 2019 - Edwin W Rubel 2020 - Michael Dorman 2021 - Brian C.J. Moore 2022 - Judy R. Dubno 2023 - Brenda Ryals 2024 - Carmen C. Brewer 2025 - Linda J. Hood
Wayne J. Staab Award
The Wayne J. Staab Award is given to an individual who has made extraordinary contributions through service to the American Auditory Society. Previous distinguished recipients include:
2010 - Wayne Staab 2011 - Don Worthington 2012 - Michael Gorga 2013 - Ross Roeser 2014 - Irvin J. Gerling 2017 - Linda J. Hood 2022 - Brenda Ryals 2025 - Beth Prieve
Ear and Hearing Editors' Award
1995 Thresholds for Auditory Brainstem Responses to Tones in Notched Noise in Infants and Young Children with Normal or Sensorineural-Impaired Hearing David Stapells, Judy Gravel, Brett Martin
1997 From Laboratory to Clinic: A Large Scale Study of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions in Ears with Normal Hearing and Ears with Hearing Loss Michael Gorga, Stephen Neely, Brenda Ohlrich, Brenda Hoover, Joelle Redner, Jo Peters
1998 Cortical Evoked Response to Acoustic Change Within a Syllable Jodi Ostroff, Brett Martin, Arthur Boothroyd
Children with Minimal Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Prevalence, Educational Performance, and Functional Status Fred Bess, Jeanne Dodd-Murphy, and Robert Parker
1999 Summary of Results Using the Nucleus CI24M Implant to Record the Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potential Paul Abbas, Carolyn Brown, Jon Shallop, Jill Firszt, Michelle Hughes, Sun Hong, Steven Staller
2000 Identification of Neonatal Hearing Impairment: Summary and Recommendations Susan Norton, Michael Gorga, Judith Widen, Richard Folsom, Yvonne Sininger, Barbara Cone-Wesson, Betty Vohr, Kristin Fletcher
2001 Examination of the Neighborhood Activation Theory in Normal and Hearing-Impaired Listeners Donald Dirks, Sumiko Takayanagi, Anahita Moshfegh, P. Douglas Noffsinger, Stephen Fausti
Central Auditory Plasticity: Changes in the N1-P2 Complex after Speech-Sound Training Kelly Tremblay, Nina Kraus, Therese McGee, Curtis Ponton, and Brain Otis
2002 Aided Perception of /s/ and /z/ by Hearing-Impaired Children Patricia Stelmachowicz, Andrea Pittman, Brenda Hoover, Dawna Lewis
Use of Vocalic Information in the Identification of /s/ and /ʃ/ by Children with Cochlear Implants Summerfield, A. Quentin; Nakisa, Melanie J.; McCormick, Barry; More
2003 Cochlear Compression: Perceptual Measures and Implications for Normal and Impaired Hearing Andrew J. Oxenham, Sid P. Bacon
2004 Novel-Word Learning in Children with Normal Hearing and Hearing Loss Patricia Stelmachowicz, Andrea Pittman, Brenda Hoover, Dawna Lewis
2005 Audiometric Threshold Shift Definitions: Simulations and Suggestions Robert A. Dobie
2006 The Role of Oxidative Stress in Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Donald Henderson, Eric C Bielefeld, Kelly C Harris, and Bo-hua Hu
Olivocochlear Efferents: Anatomy, Physiology, Function, and the Measurement of Efferent Effects in Humans John Guinan
2007 Vocalizations of Infants with Hearing Loss Compared to Infants with Normal Hearing: Part 1 Phonetic Development Part 2 – Transitions to Words Mary Pat Moeller, Brenda Hoover, Coille Putman, Katie Arbataitis, Greta Bohnenkamp, Barbara Peterson, Sharon Wood, Dawna Lewis, Andrea Pittman, Pat Stelmachowicz
2008 Clinical Utility of Laser-Doppler Vibrometer Measurements in Live Normal and Pathologic Human Ears John J. Rosowski, Heidi H. Nakajima, Saumil N. Merchant
2009 Spatial Benefit of Bilateral Hearing Aids Jayne B. Ahlstrom, Amy R Horwitz, Judy R Dubno
2010 Predicting Auditory Nerve Survival Using the Compound Action Potential Brian R. Earl, Mark E Chertoff
2011 Cochlear Dead Regions in Typical Hearing Aid Candidates: Prevalence and Implications for Use of High-Frequency Speech Cues Robyn M. Cox,Genevieve C. Alexander, Jani Johnson, and Izel Rivera
2012 The Tinnitus Functional Index: Development of a New Clinical Measure for Chronic, Intrusive Tinnitus Mary B. Meikle, James A Henry, Susan E Griest, Barbara J Stewart, Harvey B Abrams, Rachel McArdle, Paula J Myers, Craig W Newman, Sharon A Sandridge, Dennis C Turk, Robert L Folmer, Eric J Frederick, John W House, Gary P Jacobson, Sam E Kinney, William H Martin, Stephen M Nagler, Gloria E Reich, Grant D Searchfield, Robert Sweetow, Jack A Vernon
2013 Stages of Change in Adults with Acquired Hearing Impairment Seeking Help for the First Time: Application of the Transtheoretical Model in Audiological Rehabilitation Ariane Laplante-Lévesque, Louise Hickson, Linda Worrall
2014 Benefits of Phoneme Discrimination Training in a Randomized Controlled Trial of 50-74-Year-Olds with Mild Hearing Loss Melanie A. Ferguson, Helen Henshaw, Daniel P.A. Clark, David R. Moore
2015 Evaluation of Speech-Evoked Envelope Following Responses as an Objective Aided Outcome Measure: Effect of Stimulus Level, Bandwidth, and Amplification in Adults with Hearing Loss Viji Easwar, David Purcell, Steven Aiken, Vijay Parsa, Susan Scollie
2016 A Randomized Control Trial: Supplementing Hearing Aid Use with Listening and Communication Enhancement (LACE) Auditory Training Gabrielle H. Saunders, Sherri L. Smith, Theresa F. Chisolm, Melissa T. Frederick, Rachel A. McArdle, Richard H. Wilson
2017 On the Etiology of Listening Difficulties in Noise Despite Clinically Normal Audiograms Martin Pienkowski
2018 Evidence-Based Occupational Hearing Screening I: Modeling the Effects of Real-World Noise Environments on the Likelihood of Effective Speech Communication Sigfrid D. Soli, Christian Giguère, Chantal Laroche, Véronique Vaillancourt, Wouter A. Dreschler, Koenraad S.Rhebergen, Kevin Harkins, Mark Ruckstuhl, Pradeep Ramulu, Lawrence S. Meyers
2019 Efficacy and Effectiveness of Advanced Hearing Aid Directional and Noise Reduction Technologies for Older Adults With Mild to Moderate Hearing Loss Wu, Yu-Hsiang; Stangl, Elizabeth; Chipara, Octav; Hasan, Syed Shabih; DeVries, Sean; Oleson, Jacob
2020 Systematic Review on Late Cochlear Implantation in Early-Deafened Adults and Adolescents: Clinical Effectiveness Debruyne, Joke A.; Janssen, A. Miranda; Brokx, Jan P.L.
2021 Weakened Cochlear Nonlinearity During Human Aging and Perceptual Correlates Abdala, Carolina; Ortmann, Amanda J.; Guardia, Yeini C.
2022 A Slight Increase in Reverberation Time in the Classroom Affects Performance and Behavioral Listening Effort Prodi, Nicola; Visentin, Chiara
2023 Preliminary Guidelines for Replacing Word-Recognition in Quiet With Speech in Noise Assessment in the Routine Audiologic Test Battery Fitzgerald, Matthew B.; Gianakas, Steven P.; Qian, Z. Jason; Losorelli, Steven; Swanson, Austin C.
2024 Extended High-Frequency Thresholds: Associations With Demographic and Risk Factors, Cognitive Ability, and Hearing Outcomes in Middle-Aged and Older Adults Helfer KS, Maldonado L, Matthews LJ, Simpson AN, Dubno JR
Ear and Hearing Readers' Choice Award
2020 Relationship Between Diet, Tinnitus, and Hearing Difficulties Dawes, Piers; Cruickshanks, Karen J.; Marsden, Antonia; Moore, David R.; Munro, Kevin J.
2021 Communicating During COVID-19: The Effect of Transparent Masks for Speech Recognition in Noise Thibodeau, Linda M.; Thibodeau-Nielsen, Rachel B.; Tran, Chi Mai Quynh; Jacob, Regina Tangerino de Souza
American Cochlear Implant Alliance Task Force Guidelines for Clinical Assessment and Management of Adult Cochlear Implantation for Single-Sided Deafness Dillon, Margaret T.; Kocharyan, Armine; Daher, Ghazal S.; Carlson, Matthew L.; Shapiro, William H.; Snapp, Hillary A.; Firszt, Jill B.
American Cochlear Implant Alliance Task Force Guidelines for Clinical Assessment and Management of Cochlear Implantation in Children with Single-Sided Deafness Park, Lisa R.; Griffin, Amanda M.; Sladen, Douglas P.; Neumann, Sara; Young, Nancy M.
American Cochlear Implant Alliance Task Force Guidelines for Determining Cochlear Implant Candidacy in Children Warner-Czyz, Andrea D.; Roland, J. Thomas Jr; Thomas, Denise; Uhler, Kristin; Zombek, Lindsay
Cochlear Implants or Hearing Aids: Speech Perception, Language, and Executive Function Outcomes Boerrigter, Merle Sanne; Vermeulen, Anneke. M.; Benard, Michel Ruben; van Dijk, Hans. J. E.; Marres, Henri A. M.; Mylanus, Emmanuel A. M.; Langereis, Margreet C.
Environmental Factors for Hearing Loss and Middle Ear Disease in Alaska Native Children and Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Analysis from a Cluster Randomized Trial Hicks, Kelli L.; Robler, Samantha Kleindienst; Platt, Alyssa; Morton, Sarah N.; Egger, Joseph R.; Emmett, Susan D.
Hearing Loss and Dementia: Where to From Here? Dawes, Piers; Munro, Kevin
Honorable Mention:? A Large-Scale Study of the Relationship Between Degree and Type of Hearing Loss and Recognition of Speech in Quiet and Noise Smith, Michael L.; Winn, Matthew B.; Fitzgerald, Matthew B