CommitteesEnhance your membership by becoming active in society leadership. Members interested in serving on an AAS committee are encouraged to submit a committee interest form. Bylaws and Policies & Procedures CommitteeCharge: To annually review and revise (as needed) the AAS Bylaws and the Policies and Procedures documents. Chair: President (2023: Francis Kuk) Committee Members: Communications CommitteeCharge: The communications committee is charged with handling issues and advising the Board of Directors about items related to the Society’s communications, including the website, its listserv, publications and social media presence. Chair: Committee Members: Diversity CommitteeCharge: The diversity committee will promote inclusion and leadership of under-represented minorities in the AAS, and bring any identified diversity issues to the AAS Board. Chair: Committee Members: Finance CommitteeCharge: The finance committee is chaired by the Society Treasurer. The committee assists the treasurer in preparing the annual budget and in other finance related issues such as investments and monitoring reserves. Chair: Jason Galster (Industry) Committee Members: Fundraising CommitteeCharge: To form and maintain an inclusive fund-raising committee. To establish and achieve annual fund-raising goals. To liaise with the Board of Directors and other AAS committees to develop fund-raising strategies for activities prioritized by the committees and the board. To raise funds for activities prioritized by AAS committees and the Board of Directors. Chair: Dave Fabry (Industry) Committee Members: Grant Committee
Charge: The Grant Committee will review all AAS activity relevant to the NIH-NIDCD R13 Conference grant and advise the Board in these matters. This committee will prepare and submit a R15 grant renewal prior to the end of the current grant’s funding period. Chair: Committee Members: Membership CommitteeCharge: Create and implement a membership plan to retain current and recruit new members. The committee will identify and monitor existing AAS products, services, programs and benefits, evaluate membership surveys, explore new benefits and make recommendations to the Board. Assist in analysis and evaluation of member data with annual report to the board. Lead efforts to contact lapsed and prospective members. The committee also reviews all new member applications. Chair: Committee Members: Publications CommitteeCharge: The publications committee is charged with reviewing proposals and contracting for publication of the Ear and Hearing Journal and with managing issues specifically related to the journal. The Pubs committee is responsible to review candidates for editor in chief and conduct the review process with the BOD. The Pubs committee is also responsible for annual written review of the Editor in Chief and for making recommendation regarding the editor’s stipend. Chair: Committee Members: Student and Mentoring CommitteeCharge: The Student and Mentoring Committee will advise on all issues relevant to the student/resident membership of AAS. Co-Chairs: Committee Members: